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How The Official Zeze Went from Sleeping in His Office to an Internationally-Acclaimed Musician, Entrepreneur, and Investor

Zeze is a man of many talents, known for his work as a professional pianist, producer, composer, investor, and entrepreneur. Zeze did not have the easiest start to his career, but he fought through the hard times to reach the success that he has today.

Once sleeping in his office and having to shower at LA Fitness, this musician and entrepreneur has now had many successful business ventures throughout his career. He even once started a delivery business with the help of his mother at 15 years old, which they later sold to a delivery app.

Aside from his entrepreneurial side, a major achievement for Zeze was being recognized through the multiple international piano awards he won, including the renowned Chopin International.

But Zeze didn’t stop here. He continued his entrepreneurial journey and founded his car dealership, APMG; two years later, he opened up his own karaoke club and lounge in downtown Seattle, and is a member of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. Back on the musical side, Zeze got signed by a Sony Top 100 Label, Bander Productions, where in conjunction with its CEO DJ Bander, has been learning the intricacies of music production, artist development, and employing the sophisticated tools of press, growth, and Spotify promotion.

Something unique that Zeze brings to the table for BanderProductions is the classical training he has had that allows him to take music composition and Hip Hop sounds to the next nevel, along with his extensive international business and marketing acumen. Looking into the future, Zeze plans to take on new artists and clients under his direction and expand the client base of Bander Productions.

Zeze strongly believes that his Chinese culture is being undervalued and underrated, stating, “People need to know that we have good music and immense talent in China, just like we have here in America. We are also a people that value, respect, loyalty and love”. With this, Zeze is looking to combine his experience and studies of Chinese instrumentals and orchestra arrangements with the modern day electronica and Hip Hop genres to further promote his culture and deep values.

He has some valuable and practical advice for those trying to follow in his footsteps. He believes that interest is a very important factor of success, and that “You have to really love what you do”. Second, he stresses the importance of consistency and that you always have to keep trying because you never know when you will hit the jackpot. Next, he finds it crucial to stay humble and be willing to ask questions, and he indicates the power of loyalty and what it can do for your career. Lastly, Zeze notes that you need to be true to yourself in order to find success.

Zeze shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon, and fans can look out for his newest EP in the coming year. Additionally, Zeze will continue partnering with DJ Bander for the long haul, in the building up of one of the most prestigious label and production companies;, and later in the year as the pandemic wanes, Zeze and DJ Bander will be launching their long-awaited tour both in China and Europe to embrace and entertain their fans. You can hear more from Zeze and his latest projects at his Instagram.

The post How The Official Zeze Went from Sleeping in His Office to an Internationally-Acclaimed Musician, Entrepreneur, and Investor appeared first on LA Weekly.

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