Who or what do we blame for age-related health issues and other medical conditions? If anyone asks a medical professional, they will tell them that inflammation is a crucial influencer in this area. But inflammation is much more than just physical pain. However, consumers can use a new weapon to fight inflammation; All natural, full-spectrum CBD JointRestore Gummies work to solve the prevailing problem of chronic inflammation.
What is Inflammation?
Inflammation is the natural way the human body and white blood cells respond to external viruses and bacteria. But is inflammation always good for the human body?
Well, the answer is no. Along with treating different pathogens and bacteria as a threat, the human body identifies its cells as lethal. This often leads to several autoimmune diseases such as Type-1 Diabetes.
Another issue that may trigger inflammation in the body is cartilage atrophy. Cartilage is the connective tissue that sits in between the bones in the human body. This rubbery tissue is quite fragile and is prone to becoming worn over time. When that happens, the body triggers inflammation. This means that the human body deploys tissues, blood cells, and different enzymes to repair the damaged area. But sadly, inflammation is not capable of treating acute diseases, such as trauma in the connective tissues in the joints. The human body will continue sending necessary enzymes and other chemical compounds until the joints have recovered. But frequently, the effects of inflammation take long periods to fade away. And if they don’t, the body stops sending the necessary enzymes to repair the damaged area.
The Negative Side of Inflammation
The first disadvantage of inflammation is that it affects the healthy tissues in the body over time. This happens because inflammation increases oxidation levels in the body and boosts the overall free radical counts in the body. Despite being the body’s response for repairing damaged tissues in the body, inflammation can severely damage the tissues, leaving the bones in direct contact with each other. When that happens, individuals experience excruciating pain. There is a name for this medical condition, and that is Autoimmune Problem or Chronic Inflammation. But does that mean Inflammation is not the key to repairing damaged tissue in the body? No! For it to work, first, you need to stop Inflammation before it starts. Only then, the second round of inflammation can initiate and fix the actual problem. And this is where anti-inflammation medication comes into play.
The Problem with Anti-Inflammatory Medications
Anti-inflammatory medications treat only parts of the inflammation. The first round of inflammation is made up of different enzymes. The anti-inflammation drugs from pharmacies are only suitable for reducing the enzyme levels in the body. What this means is, the pills are only subduing a specific portion of the inflammation.
But as we have seen in the above section, the inflammation needs to stop entirely for the damaged tissues to get repaired. Only after the effects of inflammation are reduced in the human body, the system will trigger new rounds for repairing the damaged tissues.
Why Use JointRestore Gummies as a Solution?
The first ingredient in the JointRestore Gummies solves the prevailing problem with all the anti-inflammation pills on the market. Before divulging what that secret ingredient is, let’s look at an example. Let’s recall the time of Christ’s birth? When He was born, three wise men visited him with three different offerings. What were the three offerings? Myrrh, Frankincense, and Gold. Frankincense is widely used in all major religious ceremonies. If anyone visits England, they will see people referring to Frankincense as just “Incense.” In religious ceremonies, the Frankincense has been used in the field of medicine for centuries. In medicine, people refer to this ingredient as just Boswellia.
According to research, Boswellia, or Frankincense, is highly effective for curing knee pain. The reason behind this is that Frankincense comes from the Boswellia tree. When compared with NSAIDs, Frankincense lowers the level of inflammation enzymes in the body significantly. Once the inflammation enzymes in the body are reduced, the body can initiate the second phase of inflammation that will repair the damage.
Why Should Anyone Trust JointRestore Gummies?
Let’s look at some research findings that consolidate the point that the Boswellia plant is highly effective. Several research studies have been sanctioned to figure out the effect of Boswellia or Frankincense in the human body. There is one such research that stands out easily. In that research, participants were divided into two distinct groups. The first group was given placebo pills, and the other was given the actual Boswellia pills. They were asked to continue taking the drugs for a few months. After a few months, researchers ran different tests on the participants to check the effects of Boswellia on their bodies.
Here are the key findings from the research:
- The Quality-of-Life increased by 42%.
- Participants were able to run 36% times faster than before on average.
- Inflammation markers in the body were reduced by 57%.
- There was an overall 68% drop in the pain & stiffness level of the patient.
What Researches Saw
The researchers also took many X-rays of the research participants, and the findings were notable. The researchers noticed a drastic improvement in the overall condition of the knees in participants. The connective tissues started to regrow, and the health gap between the bones in the body was restored. The human body was able to reproduce the cartilage in the damaged areas actively.
Furthermore, the Boswellia was attributed to reducing the bone spurs, resulting in excruciating pain in participants. Once the Inflammation was removed from the body, it was only a matter of time before the body started to recover. Boswellia successfully reduced the intensity of the inflammation in the body, which ultimately helped the damaged cartilages recover.
So, in a nutshell, the JointRestore Gummies can:
- Reduce inflammation levels in the body
- Soothe the pain
- Help the body generate new joint material
Why is Boswellia so Effective in Reducing Knee Pain?
By now, it is well established that Boswellia works miracles when removing body pain the body. Now, the logical question is, what ingredient in the Boswellia plant helps fix the human body? According to research (1), not all Boswellia plants can lead to the same results. The particular component of the Boswellia plant that helps reduce knee pain, and soothes the inflammation enzymes, is known as beta-Boswellic acid (BBA). Not all Boswellia pants are rich in this component.
What Other Ingredients do the JointRestore Gummies come with?
Along with Boswellia, the JointRestore Gummies have CBD. Don’t get this wrong. CBD (2) is collected from hemp plants, but it has no psychoactive ingredients. It is astonishing to find out that CBD can successfully cut down the inflammation marker by as much as 80%. CBD helps heal the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This is the part of the body that controls inflammation, pain response, and healing. Without a healthy ECS, no human can lead a happy life. When young, the human ECS is hyperactive in responding to damage and healing. But like aging, the pace at which the ECS responds to stimuli slows down. And this is where CBD comes into play. CBD is a highly effective supplement that helps the human body with healing. Not all hemp plants are good sources of CBD. We need CBD plants rich in all the 13 cannabinoids and have full-spectrum CBD for the best results.
What is CBG?
The next ingredient in the JointRestore Gummies is CBG. CBG (3) has been reported to stimulate cellular growth in the body and the human brain. Furthermore, it also helps with healing the knees.
Other Benefits of CBD
What causes the muscle to grow stiff? Well, when the knees start to hurt, the body’s first response is to stop moving them to curb the pain. And as you start moving the muscles less, they grow stiff, which leads to pain. Stiff muscles do not get the optimal amount of blood flow. This drastically reduces the overall condition of the muscle. CBD relaxes the muscles and ensures optimal blood flow. The next benefit of CBD is it helps enhance the quality of sleep. It is well documented that most muscle and tissue regeneration takes place when people are asleep. It was found that CBD (4) helped improve the overall sleep score in humans by 67%. The more a person sleeps, the heartier they will be, and CBD helps them achieve just that.
Purchasing JointRestore Gummies
You can order JointRestore Gummies from the official website. These are the current prices for JointRestore Gummies:
- One bottle for $79.97
- Three bottles for a total of $159.94
- Six bottles for $239.91 in total
JointRestore’s official website says there’s a lengthy ten-year guarantee on all products. Here are the contact details for the product:
- Email: Barb@prosperwellness.co
- Address: Thrive Health, LLC 1990 Depew Street #140690 Edgewater, CO 80214
- Phone: 1-800-304-7284
To learn more about the company and the JointRestore CBD CBG gummies, visit the official website.
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Please understand that any advice or guidelines revealed here are not even remotely a substitute for sound medical advice from a licensed healthcare provider. Make sure to consult with a professional physician before making any purchasing decision if you use medications or have concerns following the review details shared above. Individual results may vary as the statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
The post Joint Restore Gummies Review – CBD Gummies Restore Joints or Scam? appeared first on LA Weekly.
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