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Best Foods For Taking With CBD Products 

This article was originally published on CBD Cream Site. To view the original article, click here.

A lot of people prefer to ingest cannabidiol (CBD) products for deriving its benefits. There is a wide range of products derived from this compound available in the market that is suitable for ingestion. Some of them are capsules, oils, edibles, isolates, pills, drinks, tinctures, etc. Ingesting CBD products can help to deliver various compounds present in them into the bloodstream thereby offering enhanced benefits.

However, there is a small problem with ingestion. As the products will have to undergo various processes including digestion and metabolism, it can result in the loss of a huge portion of the cannabidiol you consume. This can reduce the intensity of the effects you get from this compound. Additionally, a major portion of the CBD you take can go to waste, which can be a huge loss for you considering the high price associated with CBD products. Hence, it is important for you to increase the absorption of this compound for avoiding wastage and getting better results.

Fortunately, it is possible for you to increase the absorption of CBD by taking it with some foods. We list some of the best foods to take with CBD for your knowledge.

Related: Do you suffer from back pain? Click here to learn more about using a CBD cream versus CBD oil to help your back pain. 

Taking Cannabidiol On An Empty Stomach

A lot of people take CBD products on an empty stomach for enhancing their absorption. However, some studies indicate that taking CBD on an empty stomach won’t increase absorption. Instead, it might be possible to facilitate better absorption of this compound when taken along with other foods.

Some foods are especially found to increase the absorption of CBD. Hence, you can take your CBD products together with such foods to derive better effects from CBD.

CBD is found to be soluble in fat. So taking it along with fatty foods can help to maximize absorption and boost bioavailability. In addition to CBD, a lot of other cannabinoids are also fat-soluble. Hence, you can increase the absorption of these cannabinoids which can contribute to the entourage effect (where the effectiveness of each cannabinoid will be enhanced by the presence of other cannabinoids). This can be useful for getting all the benefits of CBD effectively.

Foods To Take With CBD

Some of the best foods for you to take together with your CBD products include:

  • Sesame oil or olive oil
  • Coconut oil, MCT oil
  • Emulsified fats
  • Fish
  • Avocado
  • Nuts

In addition to this, the presence of some spices is also found to increase the absorption of CBD. They are:

  • Rosemary
  • Black pepper
  • Turmeric

These spices have the presence of terpenes that can help to boost the absorption of various cannabinoids and plant compounds present in CBD products.

Related: Could CBD help in the treatment of drug addiction? Click here to find out more. 

The post Best Foods For Taking With CBD Products  appeared first on LA Weekly.

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