Ups and downs are part of everyone’s life. While some get lost, others rediscover themselves to reach new heights. Stephen Scoggin is a living example of someone who used rock bottom as a foundation to rebuild his life. The entrepreneur, bestselling author, and motivational speaker was once homeless, spending his nights sleeping in a borrowed car. It was only when he hit this low point that Stephen was able to bounce back higher than ever. His inner realization changed his life from being stuck to unstoppable.
With this newfound inner strength and confidence, Stephen Scoggin ventured into his first business and turned it into a success. His company is now earning nine-figure revenue every year and employs hundreds of people. After achieving success in his first business, Stephen started two more. Due to his hard work and business prowess, he was able to be just as successful in these ventures as he was in the first.
In addition to outward success, Stephen Scoggin traveled inward to do some self-reflection. This is what put him on the journey to awaken his soul and find new meaning in life. Stephen realized that the greatest potential of every human is hidden within them. It’s in vain that we try to duplicate others’ success without realizing our strength. He is currently on a mission to help people rediscover their souls to unlock their real potential. To take this initiative to a whole new level, Stephen founded Journey Principles Institute. This foundation is completely dedicated to helping people overcome their obstacles in life. No matter who they are or how severe their challenges are, Stephen Scoggin has extended his “hold-your-hand” approach to support them emotionally and mentally.
His heartfelt initiative has helped many people rebuild their lives after experiencing some of their lowest points. Unlike other organizations working for the same purpose, Journey Principles Institute has a unique, down-to-earth approach. Stephen never speaks for media attention or limelight, but instead genuinely helps people by sharing his tough, real-life experiences. He had to quit school to become the breadwinner for his family and struggle for 43 years with failures, setbacks, and fear.
By being open about his story, Stephen can let others know that things do indeed get better. It’s more powerful to accept your past than dwell on it. Only then can we move on toward the future, because what we sow today is what we reap tomorrow.
Stephen Scoggin’s motivational, heartfelt initiatives have changed lives, from saving marriages to preventing suicide. Journey Principles Institute has empowered people who have been struggling for years to finally accomplish their goals. He is someone people can relate to, making him a natural leader. He emphasizes that if he can achieve success in life, anyone can.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating the world for more than a year now and has had a huge impact on people’s mental well-being. From jobs lost to dreams shattered, the current situation is hurting millions across the world. Stephen Scoggin hopes that his real-life experiences can motivate them to explore their inner greatness.
Stephen Scoggin is on a mission to transform as many lives as he can. He wants to continue his journey to help people with the hope that it will create a ripple effect on people around the world.
The post From Homelessness to Heartfelt Leader: Stephen Scoggin’s Journey to Massive Success appeared first on LA Weekly.
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