Hemp as most of us already know is quite popular for its medicinal benefits. In fact, many people around the world now consume some form of hemp in their daily lives. You can usually get Delta 8 products, derived from hemp, at local dispensaries and it’s available legally in most states throughout the United States. Though some people prefer to consume hemp in the form of supplements and even edibles, others like to smoke the flower for its therapeutic effects.
To give you an idea of what the Delta 8 flower really is, it is also known as D8. It happens to be the favorite cannabinoid of the hemp industry. Mostly because it doesn’t come with the psychoactive effects of THC and has seriously soothing effects.
Here are a few of the benefits of smoking the Delta 8 flower:
1. Relaxation:
One of the main reasons a lot of people choose to smoke D8 is because of its relaxing properties. It doesn’t have the same effect as smoking marijuana. Don’t worry though, you will still get high. You will have more control of how you are and how you react. You can’t really compare this high to that obtained from weed or alcohol. You won’t feel paranoid, anxious or even the exhaustion experienced from the come down. If a mellow vibe is what you’re in search of, that’s exactly what you will get. Looking for a way to relieve stress? This is probably the right way to go.
2. Relieves nausea:
It draws some similarity to Delta 9 in terms of its healing properties when it comes to nausea. Previously many doctors would recommend Delta 9 for cancer patients during chemotherapy but after having discovered delta 8, they believe it’s capable of serving the same purpose, with lesser side effects. Since Delta 8 is less potent, it doesn’t have the same psychoactive effects as Delta 9 and can prove to be a great cure for nausea.
3. Helps improve appetite:
If you already smoke weed or have smoked before, you know exactly the type of “munchies” you need once you’re high. Though this snack craving often stems from smoking THC, since Delta 8 aims to mimic most of THC’s characteristics, you can surely find this one on the list. Not only does smoking the Delta 8 flower increase your appetite, it also regulates your nutrition. Scientists have previously conducted tests on mice to prove this hypothesis and fortunately enough, found that this truly works. Delta 8 does improve your appetite. According to their research, when the mice were fed Delta-8, their appetite increased by 16%. Interestingly enough, another discovery they made was that in addition to the increased hunger, the mice also lost a little weight after consuming food.
Scientists also found that it improves your cognitive abilities, you are able to think on your feet and develop the ability to quickly solve puzzles.
4. Relieves pain:
if you are looking for a product that reduces pain as well as inflammation, you’ve come to the right place. Delta 8 has previously been used to relieve chronic pain in patients and due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it has gained sufficient popularity. According to research, Delta 8 proves its ability to heal with topical application. So, imagine all the good it could do once ingested?
5. Improves Brain Health;
One of the reasons there has been a growing interest in Delta 8 is because of its impacts on brain health. It has been found that Delta 8 has some really strong neuroprotective potential. In addition to all its other benefits, it positively effects the nervous systems adenyl cyclase, regulates potassium as well as calcium. This in turn leads to improvement in brain function Delta 8 also effects choline and acetylcholine levels that prevent degenerative mental health. It also facilitates in new neuron generation.
6. Smooth High:
Our top and most favorite characteristic of Delta 8 is that it gives an incredibly smooth high. Unlike THC, since it doesn’t contain any psychoactive elements, you are bound to have a good high. Forgot about that anxiety and paranoia, you aren’t going to be experiencing any of that with Delta 8. Of course, there is the fact that THC is much more potent than CBD so it can cause you to experience things such as fogginess, lethargy, paranoia, anxiety and potentially, fixation. If you love the feeling of getting high but don’t wish to experience all the things we listed, CBD is the right choice for you. In comparison to THC, it is quite mild. Don’t get us wrong though, it will still help you experience a high but just without the lows.
However, if you’re not a smoker but still wish to go through the experience of Delta-8, don’t worry. There are plenty of options for you to choose from. You can opt for one of the many edibles such as gummies, hard candies or even desserts such as cake pops or brownies. There is plenty of other alternatives. Though smoking does aid in getting the “high” feeling almost immediately, if you’re patient, you can try an edible and let it work its magic. If that’s not what you’re looking for, there are plenty of DIY options that allow you to incorporate CBD in your food or snacks. Just be careful with this though, you need to know the right dosage per portion or you may not experience the high as it’s meant to. If you decide to proceed with this, do your research!
The post 6 Benefits of smoking the Delta 8 flower appeared first on LA Weekly.
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