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SizeGenetics Reviews – Is Real or Fake Penis Extender Device?

People often say that size matters, and it’s true. It’s not just men who are concerned – women care about it too! The average woman will tell you that she prefers larger manhood over a smaller one.

There’s a new invention that has been sweeping the nation, and it is called SizeGenetics. It is an extending device that can help increase the length and girth.

It is a topic that many of us are not comfortable talking about it. It’s understandable, as dick size can be something of great insecurity for many of us.

The length and girth of one’s penis can play a big role in what happens between the sheets. If you have a small penis size, it might make you feel less confident in the bedroom and more nervous about getting an erection.

Many factors go into how confident you feel in the sexual arena. From penis length to what your partner looks like, many things can affect your confidence.

Sometimes it’s hard to know if you have a smaller penis because women don’t talk about it openly.

If you are looking to improve your penis health, then SizeGenetics might be the answer.

This SizeGenetics review post will discuss some of the benefits of using a penis extender, and We will also talk about what makes these devices so effective!

What is SizeGenetics?

SizeGenetics is a type of penis enlargement device that can increase size and girth. SizeGenetics penis extender has been designed with the goal in mind of creating a penis extender that is effective and safe for use.

SizeGenetics is an alternative to invasive penis enlargement surgery. The penis extension device applies continuous traction to the penis. It provides a safe, natural way to grow one’s penis by up to 4 inches in length and 2 inches in circumference over time.

It’s also effective in treating erectile dysfunction, Peyronie’s disease, and other causes of penile curvature.

Penis extenders are penis enlargement devices that can be worn under clothes during the day. It causes more blood flow and allows for faster tissue growth. It can help you extend without expensive surgery or pills.

The penis extender has been tested by many users who have used it to enjoy better sex lives with their partners.

You may have heard of pumps, but the penis extender is different in some ways. Penis pumps are more like vacuum cleaners; they create suction and draw blood into it.

The SizeGenetics device uses gentle traction instead of suction for enlargement purposes, so there are no risks associated with using SizeGenetics! While this method does work, it also has some unwanted side effects, such as bruising or over-tightening of the penis tissue, which can cause pain.


  • Excellent Quality
  • Sturdy & User-friendliness
  • Surprising comfort levels
  • High effectiveness in Size Gains
  • Comfort Plaster Accessories
  • Better sexual performance
  • Stronger and Sufficient Tension
  • FDA Cleared Medical Device
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee


  • Metal Bars are Cold
  • Require Hours of Daily Usage
  • Little Pricey

How does SizeGenetics work?

SizeGenetics is a medical-grade type 1 device that has been clinically proven to be safe and effective.

The mechanism behind this product is very simple and involves pretty simple steps:

Traction: SizeGenetics is made of two parts: one end attaches to an anchor point on the penis, while the other end goes around a fixed object like a doorknob or pole.

The stretch can be controlled by adjusting how tight you fasten each strap. When you use SizeGenetics, it applies an evenly distributed tension that stretches the tissue.

SizeGenetics device offers 2800gms of tension which is relatively higher than any other extender brand. This amount is quite effective in the traction process. This stretching has been proven to improve blood flow to help with better erection quality.

Cell Division: Mitosis is the natural division of cells in living organisms. Mitosis allows for growth and development, and it also produces new cells to replace old ones that die off. The process of mitosis in Corpora Cavernosa inside the penis can be achieved through traction.

Traction refers to any force that pulls on an object or structure from one end. In contrast, the other end pushes back with an equal magnitude, and due to continuous tension, gaps are created in the shaft, leading to new cell formation that results in the healing process.

Natural Healing: The traction process creates gaps in your penis tissue that are healed by rapid cell regeneration resulting in elongation of the penis.

The process is safe and effective that gives you permanent results as claimed. It does not use any hormones or drugs but instead relies on traction to enlarge while wearing the device for a certain amount of hours per day for months.

The typical daily use of the device is between four and six hours per day – but results vary from person to person depending on how quickly they want their results.

How to Use SizeGenetics Device?

SizeGenetics is a mechanical device, and best results can only flourish when you put it right as instructed by the Experts. For best sizegenetics results, it is recommended to wear the extender for 4 to 6 hours daily for at least six months.

But it’s important to start slow as in the beginning, it might be uncomfortable, and too much tension can cause harm to the penis tissues. For the first few days, you can go with 60 minutes at low tensions.

SizeGenetics is a safe, effective, and drug-free way of enhancing your manhood. It will ensure you can get max sizegenetics results with fewer efforts. Below is the step-by-step process of using a penis extender.

  1. Clear your pubic hair, if any.
  2. Don’t use an extender over a wet dick; wait till it drys and comes in a semi-solid state.
  3. Carefully place your penis through the base ring with elongation bars.
  4. The extender device on your penis base is fastened using the attached plastic ring and genital head with the stretchy silicone tube ring.
  5. Strap the comfort pads on the device, securing the dick head.
  6. Set the length of elongation bars at least 1 cm longer than the maximal stretched of your semi-solid flaccid penis.
  7. Using the knobs, you can adjust tension as per one’s comfort level, and you are ready to go.

How Do I Know if I Need a Sizegenetics Extender?

You may be thinking, “does my dick need an extender?” and the answer is yes! But before you go ahead with the purchase, though, it’s important to ask yourself some questions.

How big am I now? What are my goals for the future? Is there anything I’m concerned about in my sex life or relationships because of my current size?

Many different things can contribute to the sizes. Some have been born with a smaller than average penile, while others may have had injuries or illnesses as children.

You may have always wondered if you could do something about it, and now is your chance! SizeGenetics genital extenders are great to lengthen your penis and reduce the time it takes to erect.

If you are not happy with the current dick size or thickness, it is time to do something about it. SizeGenetics have been proven to add up to 4 inches in length and 2 inches in girth. If you want to know more about who can use it, keep reading this SizeGenetics review.

Benefits of Using SizeGenetics


Every day, we see faces that are unhappy with their bodies. They might be overweight, want to increase the size or breasts for more performance and sexual pleasure, or just want to improve general health.

Whatever your reason for wanting a bigger flex, SizeGenetics device has you covered! Those are looking to enlarge their dick through a natural method that doesn’t require expensive surgery or risky medication.

Highly Effective

Achieving a larger penis growth is not just for making oneself feel better. It can also be used to improve your sex performance, satisfy your partner, and increase the chance of conception.

Many of us are born with naturally larger penises, but most need help to reach our full potential.

This device will work for any man, regardless of age or the level of penile curvature. It’s easy to add inches without undergoing expensive surgery or taking pills with side effects in a short time.

Harder and Longer Erections

Penis extenders are a device that helps in long and hard erections by wearing them during normal activities.

The more blood flow, the harder and longer your erection will be! It is highly effective in harder and longer erections.

Strong and Intense Orgasm

The SizeGenetics device is the best way to get strong and intense orgasms. It’s one of the most well-known devices for everyone who wants to improve stamina, arousal, and pleasure.

SizeGenetics genital extender gives the ability to have Strong and Intense Orgasm without any side effects. The best thing about sizeGenetics is that it can be used by both beginners and advanced users alike.

Fight Erectile Dysfunction

People have erectile dysfunction due to many reasons. Stress, fatigue, age, and depression can all lead to an inability to perform in the bedroom.

For many men with erectile dysfunction problems, SizeGenetics is a device that helps them in long and hard erections. If you’ve been experiencing erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation, this might be the right product for you!

This device has helped millions of males get their lives back because of its effective results.

Boost Self Confidence

If you have low self-confidence regarding your sexual performance, you should consider getting a bigger penis naturally with SizeGenetics male extender.

This device has been clinically proven to increase length and width by up to 4 inches in just six months! This revolutionary product has helped countless men get the erect they need to satisfy their partner – and finally, feel confident about themselves when it comes to having sex.

In addition, penis extenders also improve erection quality and stamina during sex. You will also find that many women prefer confident partners in bed, making these natural male enhancement techniques even more important.

Click here the best discount offers on Sizegentics – The Ultimate Penis Extender

Who Should Use the SizeGenetics?

Let us talk about small penis problems. Believe it or not, the small penis has become such an issue that there are now over 100M people worldwide with small penises – and they’re not happy about it!

The small and curved penis is not something that should be ignored. It can limit a man’s self-esteem, and it may even affect his relationships with others.

Many males suffer from the small and curved penis, erectile dysfunction, or Peyronie’s disease. These conditions can demoralize a man and sex life negatively.

SizeGenetics is a natural solution for these problems! This device will have a long sex drive and even reverse your Peyronie’s disease.

Side Effects and Warning Signs To Watch Out For

The first thing you want to do before considering a penile enlargement product is to know its side effects. SizeGenetics is a type 1 medical device that has been clinically approved and safe for use. The penis extender is an FDA-approved, safe and natural way to enlarge your penis.

Studies show that long-term use of the device can improve penile length, erectile function, and sexual performance.

There are no side effects or risks of using sizegenetics because it is clinically proven safe for men of all ages! However, side effects might be experienced by a few who are not used to wearing penile extenders.

The team at SideGenetics has been in business for over 20 years. They offer you advice on avoiding unwanted side effects such as sensitivity or pain in the shaft area, erectile dysfunction (ED), penile curvature (PLC), and numbness.

Precautions for wearing SizeGenetics

Once you receive your box of SizeGenetics, check for all necessary components; missing any parts say comforts pads can be quite a painful user experience while using.

  • Read the instruction manual carefully; SizeGenetics instructional DVD can help you in getting started.
  • Start with 60-80 minutes with a penis extender in the initial phase, as it can be irritating and uncomfortable. When you get habituated to all that stuffs around your penis, gradually increase wearing time to 6-8 hours a day.
  • Do it in sets of 3 with a break of 15-20 minutes and take a day off after 6 days of continuous wearing.
  • Don’t use an extender at night unless you are confident it won’t cause and rupture or injury by getting snarled in the covers or sheets. Wear it during the daytime while working or watching TV so that you can supervise the device after wearing a penis extender device.
  • Occasionally check the extender setting for tension level and fitting.

Results of using SizeGenetics Extenders before and after

Penis extenders are no magic tools. They will not work overnight. As per companies official statement, for every 700 hours, you wear a penis extender, you could experience a growth of 2 inches in length.

For 6-8 hours of daily wearing time, you can expect a growth in size after 1-2 months. The Sizegenetics results may vary from person to person based on physical abilities and wearing routine.

In 2016, a doctor named Dr. M. Hinder from the Swiss Journal of Urology published a report about the effectiveness of SizeGenetics. The Sizegentics results are overwhelming.

A user who wore SideGenetics for 8 hours, 6 days for 6-8 months has the following gain:

  • Increased Flaccid up to 2.5″.
  • Increased Erect up to 4″.
  • Increased Girth up to 1″.

What makes SizeGenetics Stand Apart?

SizeGenetics device has stood out from its competition thanks to the different features that it offers.

Premium Quality

With its discreet design and high-quality silicone material, SizeGenetics has been able to create a penis traction device that beats out all of its competition. SizeGentis is a medical-grade, 100% hypoallergenic extender that has been designed for the best possible user experiences.

They have created their own patented medical-grade polymer to ensure your comfort and safety. This medical-grade material is soft and pliable enough to allow you to wear it comfortably for long periods without any discomfort or irritation.

Reputed Manufacturer

There are many penis devices out there, and they all make different claims. But SizeGentis stands apart because it’s a product from a reputed manufacturer.

They have designed their extender device to be comfortable with a medical-grade silicone tube covering the device – which is an important feature when you’re wearing something around your genitals for hours at a time!

This company has been in the business for over 20 years, knowing what a customer wants in its products.

2800g High Tension

SizeGentis is a new extender met with a lot of praise in the last few months. Unlike its competitors, SizeGentis features 2800g of high tension level that will gradually stretch your member without any pain or discomfort.

The well-calibrated spring lets you apply the perfect force your penis tissues need to expand. SizeGentis also comes with easy-to-adjust screws that provide you with quick access to your desired tension levels.

Safety and Comfort

The extender device has a patented design that covers the head of the penis and prevents any skin from being pinched or pulled.

It means your experience will be more comfortable, with less risk of injury to your skin. It also features comfort pads on either side of the traction device, which helps distribute pressure evenly for a better feel overall.

Pads provide users with a more comfortable experience as they can focus on what’s important without worrying about the device moving around too much or chafing their skin in any way.

Affordable Alternative

Penis traction devices are alternative to expensive and invasive penis enlargement surgery; SizeGenetics penile extender device is your best option.

This clinically proven device can help men improve their erection by up to 4 inches in length and up to 2 inches in circumference with a simple 6-8 hours day stretching routine.

The comfortable design makes it easy for anyone who wears the extender daily, which means that doing this will not interfere with your regular schedule or sexual activity.

Where to Buy SizeGenetics?

Where can you buy SizeGenetics extenders? It’s a question that many men are asking themselves these days. SizeGenetics is an expensive traction device, so it’s important to ensure you get the best deal possible on one! Fortunately, there are several online eCommerce websites where you can purchase Sizegenetics genital extending devices for sale.

The Sizegenetics official website offers many different packages with different guarantees for those who purchase their products. Amazon also offers many products from this company, as well as other online retail stores.

Price of a SizeGenetics

Pricing options are one of the most difficult decisions for any customer. Everyone wants to get the best deal possible, but they don’t want it to be too cheap.

Luckily, there are a lot of pricing options available at which you can buy SizeGenetics Extenders! You can find discounts on Amazon or even in stores like Walgreens and Walmart.

The prices range from $199.95-$299.95, so there is something for everyone’s budget!

There are four options available at which you can purchase this product:

Value Edition- The Value Edition Kit includes everything you need to get started, including 1 x SizeGenetics Type 1 Medical traction Device, 1 x Product case 1 x Dual function front piece,

It comes with accessories such as 1 x Comfort strap, 1 x Protection pad, 4x Elongation bars, and a full-color instructional DVD.

This kit costs $199.95 plus shipping and handling.

Comfort Package- You can also buy a comfort package for $249.95, including 1 x SizeGenetics Type 1 Medical Device, leather case, Dual function front piece, Silicone tube, Comfort strap, Protection pad, eight elongation bars, and a full-color instructional DVD.

Ultimate System- The Ultimate System includes everything you need to get started, including 1 x SizeGenetics Type 1 Medical Device, leather case, Dual function front piece, Silicone tube.

It also includes accessories like a Comfort strap, Protection pad, 8 elongation bars, advanced comfort plaster, Accelerates Cream Moisturizer, Accelerates Traction Talcum Powder, and a full-color instructional DVD.

This kit costs $299.95.

Curvature & Peyronie’s Edition- This edition will be best for you if you look for curvature or Peyronie’s cure.

You can buy this kit at $249.95, including 1 x SizeGenetics Type 1 Medical Device, leather case, Dual function front piece, Silicone tube, Comfort strap, Protection pad, 8 elongation bars, and a full-color instructional DVD.

Money-Back Guarantee – SizeGenetics is a medical-grade device that is highly effective and comes with a money-back guarantee, so there’s no risk of trying it out!

If you’re not satisfied with your current penile length or want to improve sexual performance for yourself or your partner, this could be the right product for you!

Can you use SizeGenetics Extenders with other Penis Enlargement products?

The penile extending device can be used as a form of male enhancement, and if combined with either a penis pump or an enhancement pill (or both), it could result in even better results.

The penis pump is a device that you can use to enlarge your penis. It works by creating vacuum pressure, which expands the blood vessels and increases blood flow. The enhancement pills work by increasing nitric oxide levels in the body, which leads to increased muscle growth and better erections.

You can put all three devices that work in tandem to give you the best possible results. The first is a penis pump, which provides an excellent workout session by increasing circulation and improving blood flow through your system.

The second is an enhancement pill, which helps improvise your libido and testosterone levels to make your erection more intense and last longer. Finally, we recommend adding a penis device into your routine as it can provide up to 7 inches worth of length.

Conclusion: SizeGenetics Review

This medically endorsed device has been used by men all over the world who are looking for a safe, natural way for penis enlargement

It’s been clinically proven to be effective and FDA approved for use in penile enhancement therapy. It means that you can get hard, long-lasting erections during sex without having to worry about not lasting longer than desired or not being able to maintain an erection at all.

It’s easy-to-use and comfortable enough that you can wear it during any activity without feeling restricted or uncomfortable in your daily life.

Plus, this product comes with an amazing 100% money-back guarantee, so if it doesn’t work for you – no worries! You have nothing to lose but more inches off of your manhood! Why not try out one of these scientifically proven methods today?

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does SizeGenetics work?

The answer is yes. Men all over the world are getting results with this amazing product. It is one of the most effective and efficient ways for men to improve stamina, arousal, and pleasure.

You can use it anytime you want- even while watching TV or working at your desk! It’s easy to get started with this device. The SizeGenetics device can be worn discreetly under clothing for hours at a time without anyone knowing that it is there.

You can also check out more penis extending products like quick extender pro and phallosan forte which are currently the best sellers.

How much can you gain from SizeGenetics?

There are many male enhancement devices out there promising to get a bigger penis size, but not all of them work as well as they claim. SizeGenetics is an exception, though.

This product has 28%-32% more length and is 19% wider than other male enhancement devices on the market today. It also comes with a 100% money-back guarantee, so if it doesn’t work for you, you can get your money back without any problems.

How long should you be wearing Sizegenetics?

For SizeGenetics to work, it has to be worn daily. Does the question now become how long you should wear SizeGenetics?

Many people have different opinions about this matter, and their answers vary depending on how they use it. Some say 6-8 hours while others say 12 hours; some take one day off every six days while others take two days off every ten days.

What’s best for you may not necessarily be best for someone else because everyone is different.

Is SizeGenetics FDA approved?

Yes, SizeGenetics is FDA approved. The manufacturer of this penis device has a long history in the industry and has been providing quality products for years.

They have an official website that displays their product information and what they offer to their customer. This company also offers different product models to meet an individual’s needs at various price points.

How to spot fake SizeGenetics reviews?

A lot of men are wondering if SizeGenetics works. There are many SizeGenetics reviews online that say it does, but many reviews say it doesn’t. So what’s the truth? Is SizeGenetics worth trying to see if you can get better erections and a bigger penis?

A lot of people are skeptical when they see someone promising unrealistic gains or reviews from unverified purchases. You don’t have to worry about that with SizeGenetics because all SizeGenetics reviews on its official website are verified!

The post SizeGenetics Reviews – Is Real or Fake Penis Extender Device? appeared first on LA Weekly.

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