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Tips for Talking About CBD With Your Veterinarian

This article was originally published on Just Pet CBD. To view the original article, click here.

The conversation about CBD for dogs with veterinarians is restricted by law. This can create problems for pet owners, especially for those who want to try giving CBD to their pets for the first time. CBD, also known as cannabidiol, is the major cannabinoid found in the hemp plant; it belongs to the cannabis family of plants. Research studies have shown that it can be useful for treating the symptoms of ailments in humans and pet animals like dogs. Remember that cannabidiol produces its effects by stimulating the ECS. In this article, we will discuss talking about CBD with veterinarians.

How Do Veterinarians Respond When Dog Owners Bring Up Questions About CBD For Dogs?

In the last couple of years, especially after the enactment of the US Farm Act of 2018, cannabidiol (CBD)-infused products became popular among the general population. Naturally, this popularity and talk extended into the market for pet products. Anecdotal evidence suggests that CBD can be used for treating the symptoms of ailments like pain and inflammation. However, only results from few scientific studies have been published, and hence a clear understanding of the effects of cannabidiol on dogs is absent. So, veterinarians cannot give definitive answers when dog owners bring up questions or doubts about CBD products for dogs.

Related: What are the benefits of CBD for dogs? Click here to learn more about CBD for your furry friends.

Can Veterinarians Recommend CBD For Dogs?

According to the current federal and state laws, veterinarians cannot administer, prescribe, dispense, or recommend CBD for animals. However, the CBD laws are changing because more and more evidence is confirming the therapeutic and health benefits of cannabidiol. Furthermore, if you are a dog owner planning to give CBD to your dog, then you must do thorough research beforehand by reading peer-reviewed publications.

Are There Any Risks To CBD That Dog Owners Should Ask Veterinarians?

Currently, the understanding of the effects of cannabidiol (CBD) on the health of dogs is limited. Also, there are some potential side effects for CBD like a drop in blood pressure, dry mouth due to reduced saliva production, increased sedation, adverse effect on liver function, etc. So, before giving CBD to dogs, you must consult a veterinarian.

How Should Pet Owners Bring Up The Topic Of CBD For Dogs To The Veterinarian?

According to veterinarians, their clients must be comfortable talking about topics that are concerning the health of pets. Even though the law prevents veterinarians from discussing CBD, clients can feel free to bring it up.

These are the important points that you must know about talking about CBD with veterinarians.

Related: How can you find the best CBD dosage to use for your dogs and cats? Click here to learn more about dosing CBD for pets.

The post Tips for Talking About CBD With Your Veterinarian appeared first on LA Weekly.

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