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Medical Conditions That Can Be Treated Using CBD

This article was originally published on Free CBD Relief. To view the original article, click here

CBD is being suggested as an excellent cure for various medical conditions and it is the medical benefits of CBD that made it famous. Cannabis plant was traditionally famous for its therapeutic properties and the source plant of CBD, hemp belongs to the cannabis family.

Here is a list of the medical conditions that can be treated using CBD.


Pain is an associated symptom of several diseases and severe pain can adversely affect the quality of people’s lives. Chronic pain is characteristic of diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and the patients have to go through a tough time handling these issues.

The endocannabinoid system of the body is responsible for regulating pain sensations, mood, appetite etc. and the receptors of the system are present in various body parts. CBD interacts with the vanilloid receptors and the interaction lowers the level of inflammation and pain perception and helps handle pain symptoms better.

In a 2016 animal study, CBD gel was applied transdermally on lab mice that showed pain and inflammation symptoms and the result of the study was reduced pain and inflammation symptoms. No visible side effect was observed in the study, suggesting that CBD can be used as a pain relief medication that you can take without worries of side effects.


Epilepsy is associated with seizures and CBD is suggested as an excellent medication that can handle the seizures symptoms. Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome are two epileptic conditions associated with severe seizure symptoms that are often difficult to handle.

Dravet syndrome appears in the first year of life and involves frequent seizures while Lennox-Gastaut syndrome appears between 3 to 5 years, and several kinds of seizures are characteristic of the condition. FDA has approved the use of a drug, Epidolex to treat these conditions.

However, doctors recommend that Epidolex should not be given to children who are under the age of 2.

Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety is a defense mechanism that evolved to prepare living organisms to handle dangers and potential threats. But sometimes anxiety surfaces even in the absence of potential threats and the recurrent anxiety symptoms are characteristic of anxiety disorder.

By interacting with the endocannabinoid receptors CBD prepares the patient to handle recurrent anxiety symptoms and enables them to handle a quality life. Anxiety related behaviors are common in people with the following conditions.

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder- A traumatic event in the life of a person that left them shocked and helpless could act as a trigger to PTSD.
  • Social anxiety disorder- People with social anxiety disorder experience excessive discomfort and fear of social situations because the individuals constantly worry that other people will evaluate them.
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorder- The mental condition is characterized by intrusive and obsessive thoughts that lead to compulsive mental and physical acts.

Type 1 Diabetes

The disease is a result of the attack by immune system on the pancreatic cells and a 2016 study found that CBD can help ease the inflammation in pancreas. The result of the study sheds light to the possibility of using CBD in treatment of type 1 diabetes.

Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is caused by the inflammation in the brain that leads to the release of oxygen in the brain affecting brain functions like memory and cognition. Brain deterioration and memory loss increases the oxygen content in the brain, and the antioxidant properties of CBD can reduce the problems associated with oxygen stress.

Rapid destruction and decline is a characteristic of the brain cells of Alzheimer’s patients and several clinical trials have suggested that CBD has the potential to stimulate brain tissues and help reverse the impact of Alzheimer’s disease.

Social recognition deficit is a common symptom of Alzheimer’s disease whereby the patients fail to identify the faces of the people that they know for years. Studies suggest that CBD could help in retaining the social recognition ability of people who are in the early stages of the disease.

Cancer Treatment Symptoms

Studies are being conducted to recognize the potential of CBD in suppressing the growth of cancer cells and many of them seem promising. Cancer treatment has several associated side effects including pain, nausea, loss of appetite etc, and handling these symptoms efficiently is important to ensure the quality of life of the patients.

Nausea and vomiting symptoms that accompany cancer treatment can further affect the health of the patient and CBD can help reduce the symptoms that accompany radiation and chemotherapy treatments.

Parkinson ’s Disease

The nervous system disorder is characterized by lack of precision in body movements, muscular rigidity, frequent tremors etc, and the disease usually affects the adult population. The possible causes of the disease are degeneration of basal ganglia and deficiency of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

A large part of CBD potential is yet to be discovered and active clinical studies are going on in the background to discover the optimum potential of CBD products in healthcare.

The post Medical Conditions That Can Be Treated Using CBD appeared first on LA Weekly.

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