Click Here for Legal Steroid Alternatives
Steroid-use is becoming more rife among men and women, with society constantly trying to look better; with bulging muscles and ripped six pack abs being the ‘standard’ for men and toned glutes/tiny waists for women.
Then there are bodybuilders who want to gain a competitive advantage over their rivals, by outmuscling them in the gym, on social media and most importantly onstage.
However, anabolic steroids are a controlled substance and technically illegal to purchase without a medical prescription from a doctor in the United States, UK and almost every other country in the world.
So, how do bodybuilders get steroids?
- Black market
- Steroid alternatives
Black Market
Back in the 70’s, bodybuilders like Arnold and Franco could easily get prescribed dianabol, testosterone, primobolan or deca durabolin from their doctor in order to advance their bodybuilding careers.
However, at this stage the dangers of anabolic steroids were not fully known.
Now, many steroids are banned by the FDA and thus bodybuilders often purchase them through the black market (illegally).
Buying steroids on the black market means finding a supplier in real life, i.e. asking around at bodybuilding gyms for someone who ‘knows that guy’. Or finding a website that can ship you steroids on a regular basis.
As you can imagine, both of these options are high risk with many black market products being fake and heavily diluted.
Therefore, this can burn a hole in your wallet or result in you ending up in hospital.
Not to mention if you or the seller get caught, you’re looking at a hefty fine or jail time, depending on if it’s your first offence or not.
Click Here for Legal Steroid Alternatives – Get Best Price
TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy)
Doctors no longer will prescribe anabolic steroids for performance enhancement purposes, however one legal way to get steroids (exogenous testosterone), is asking your doctor if you can start a course of TRT.
Doctors will then test your serum testosterone levels and if low enough, they’ll prescribe you testosterone. Testosterone was the first anabolic steroid ever made and remains today one of the best AAS on the market.
How to Get Prescribed Testosterone
There are several ways bodybuilders can ensure their natural testosterone levels are low enough in time for the test. The usual protocols are:
- Get tested after a steroid cycle, where your endogenous testosterone is shut down
- Get little sleep the night before your test
- Eat very low amounts of food prior to your test (at least for 24-48 hours).
- Drink substantial amounts of alcohol the night before
Testosterone is one of the best anabolic steroids on the market, with it having tremendous muscle-building and fat burning properties.
A first cycle of testosterone (even in conservative dosages) is capable of adding 20+ lbs of lean mass, whilst also stripping fat.
Doctors however will not be able to prescribe other hardcore bodybuilding steroids, such as: dianabol, trenbolone, winstrol etc. as they are no longer FDA approved in medicine.
The benefits of being prescribed testosterone are many, with it being perhaps the safest steroid in terms of side effects.
Testosterone will provide the most protection to the heart, compared to all other AAS and has little to no negative effects on the liver (with it being an injectable).
The downside is — some people prefer to take oral steroids and do not want to stick needles in their butt.
Legal Steroid Alternatives
Another legal option is to try steroid alternatives, which essentially mimic the anabolic effects of steroids, but without the side effects.
Consequently, they are FDA approved and deemed safe for human use.
These typically are in oral (tablet) form, however they do not cause stress to the liver, keeping ALT/AST enzymes stable.
Crazy Bulk currently is the leading retailer of legal steroid alternatives, having sold over 500,000 bottles. Their range consists of:
- D-Bal (dianabol)
- Testo-Max (testosterone)
- Decaduro (deca durabolin)
- Trenorol (trenbolone)
- Anadrole (anadrol)
- Winsol (winstrol)
- Anvarol (anavar)
Crazy Bulk has also accumulated thousands of reviews on Feefo, achieving a strong 4.4 / 5 score.
Legal steroid alternatives do not require a prescription and can be purchased online safely, with discreet packaging.
In contrast, when buying anabolic steroids on the internet, you can never be guaranteed that your package will come, as you are essentially committing a criminal offence and thus cannot report the seller to anyone.
However, Crazy Bulk is owned by Wolfson Brands, a legitimate supplement company that has produced many successful brands. Thus, if anything is off with your order you can easily get in contact with them via live chat, email, post, telephone or their social media channels.
They are also held accountable by the FDA and have their company information clearly listed on the Crazy Bulk website — whereas scammers on the black market will hide all info and may only accept bitcoin to avoid being traced.
Click Here to Visit the Official Crazy Bulk Website
What is the Best Choice for You?
Now you know how to get steroids, based on the various methods bodybuilders use.
If you want to use several different anabolic steroids; being prescribed TRT may not be ideal, as testosterone alone would put a bodybuilder at a disadvantage compared to a rival competitor cycling testosterone/trenbolone for example.
TRT also may not be ideal if your main goal is to burn fat. Although testosterone is an effective fat burner, its anabolic properties outweigh its lipolytic effects. If fat loss is more desirable, anavar or winstrol are better options.
However, testosterone does promise very significant muscle and strength gains, thus some people would be happy with 20-30lbs of additional muscle mass (and not be interested in taking harsher/more dangerous compounds to max out even further).
Legal steroid alternatives are ideal for bodybuilders wanting to stay within the confines of the law, and use various different anabolic products, helping to push their body to the next level.
Legal steroid alternatives also are suited to those worried about the short and long-term side effects of anabolic steroids — Crazy Bulk’s products being FDA approved and safe for human use.
It’s also worth noting that when you stack multiple anabolic steroids together, it can exacerbate side effects. However, as Crazy Bulk’s products are formulated to minimize adverse effects, you can safely stack their compounds together without it deteriorating your health.
Crazy Bulk’s products also may work out considerably cheaper than buying steroids on the black market; especially for very high priced steroids, such as anavar and primobolan.
The post How to Get Steroids? A Guide for Bodybuilders appeared first on LA Weekly.
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