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California Health Officials Backpedal On Mask Requirements For Workers

Days after Cal/OSHA argued back and forth on workplace mask regulations for the June 15 economic reopening, the board reversed its previous decision to make all workers wear masks if one fellow employee is not vaccinated.

On Wednesday night Cal/OSHA announced it will instead look for a regulation that “more closely aligns” with Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plans to fully reopen the state, according to a report by the Associated Press.

When Cal/OSHA originally made its mask ruling last Thursday, there were calls for Gov. Newsom to veto the decision.

“After the confusion and lack of clarity on reopening guidelines at the Cal/OSHA hearing tonight, the statewide business community must once again request the governor issue an Executive Order before June 15 to provide all employers with the consistency and certainty in guidelines,” Rob Lapsley, president of the California Business Roundtable, said in a statement.

While Cal/OSHA did not detail what the mask regulations will entail next week, it will try to more closely align itself with California Public Health and the CDC’s recommendations for mask wearing.


The post California Health Officials Backpedal On Mask Requirements For Workers appeared first on LA Weekly.

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