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Next Batch Of Stimulus Payments Go Out March 24

The IRS has distributed the $1,400 stimulus payments in phases and the next set will go out Wednesday, March 24.

Americans who opted to have the stimulus payments deposited directly to their bank accounts may already see the payment pending, as the processing began Friday.

“Today marks the second batch of payments, with additional payments anticipated on a weekly basis going forward,” the IRS wrote in a media release.

Those receiving paper checks or Economic Impact Payment debit cards can expect them to come in the “coming weeks.”

The IRS also said it used past data in its systems to convert some payments that would otherwise be sent as checks or payment cards, into direct deposits.

The first batch of payments were distributed days after President Joe Biden signed the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan on Thursday,  March 11. Some received their direct deposit as soon as that Friday, with payments continuing through the weekend.

Americans who earned $75,000 or less in the last filed tax season will be getting the full $1,400 payment. Couples who file joint income taxes and earned $150,000 or less will be getting $2,800, and an additional $2,400 per dependent.

To check the status of a payment, the “Get My Payment” option on the IRS website can be used to confirm if a payment is scheduled, not yet processed, or if the IRS requires more information from an individual.



The post Next Batch Of Stimulus Payments Go Out March 24 appeared first on LA Weekly.

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