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California Announces 41 Candidates Will Be On Governor Recall Ballot

California announced that 41 candidates will be on the ballot for the September 14 recall election of Gov. Gavin Newsom.

Of those on the list, 21 will be registered Republicans, eight Democrats,  nine independents two Green Party representatives and one Libertarian.

When the election occurs, there will be two questions asked; the first being a yes or no question if the voter believes Gov. Newsom should be recalled. The second question will ask to choose a replacement candidate, should the first question reach more than 50% of votes necessary to recall Newsom.

In the latest poll conducted by the Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies, which is one of the leading polls in the country, 52% of registered California voters polled in May approved of Gov. Newsom, while 43% disapproved. In a poll conducted three months ago, the percentage gap was closer, with 48% disapproving of Newsom and 46% approving.

Ballots for the election are expected to go out to residencies in August as Californians may either mail out, or wait until the the September 14 election date.

Some notable candidate names include former mayor of San Diego Kevin Faulconer, John Cox who was the Republican nominee for governor in the 2018 elections, celebrity Caitlyn Jenner, former congressman Doug Ose, assemblyman Kevin Kiley and YouTuber Kevin Paffrath.

Los Angeles-based radio host Larry Elder announced his candidacy last week, but was left off the list of names on the ballot. Elder said he was not given indication as to why he was left off and will appeal, according to KTTV.

As of this writing, a full list of candidate names has not been released and the post will be updated when they become available.


The post California Announces 41 Candidates Will Be On Governor Recall Ballot appeared first on LA Weekly.

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